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Conservation Commission Minutes 9/21/2005
Antrim Conservation Commission Notes:           
Meeting: September 21, 2005 at Antrim Town Hall 7PM
Attended by:
Peter Beblowski, Melissa Chapman, Pat Webber and Kathleen Bigford (AP teacher at Great Brook School)
Absent: Peter Moore, Linda Bryer, Chris Stephenson, and Rod Zwirner.                        


1.      Meeting notes accepted as read/provided for May, June and August by attendees.

2.      The Campbell Pond Easement was briefly discussed. Things continue to move forward slowly.  Melissa has provided GPS survey to MC. Kristen to go on maternity leave Oct/Nov thru Jan.  

3.      Meadow Marsh Land   Discussed possible AP project at site with Ms Bigford. Project to include revitalization of trail and trail map/guide.  Hike set up at Marsh for Oct 22.   Peter B spoke with Bill Prokop about solid waste pickup (refrig., beds, insulation, etc.)

4.      West Street/Gould property still does not have draft P&S for property.  

5.      Schnare/ Mighty Oaks- Monadnock Conservancy (MC) 16-acre easement.moving forward slowly.

6.      PLB set up a meeting with the Selectmen on Sept 12 to discuss the Campbell Pond easement.

7.      Next Hike: Meadow Marsh  Hike set for Oct 22, meet at Town Beach parking lot.
8.      Rod to continue to try to contact Paul Whittemore about a trail easement for the Balancing Rock/Bald Mtn Trail.  Rod went out last month & today.  

9.      Peter B contacted  B Prokop about formal walking easement into Campbell Pond.  Letter sent still awaiting response.

10.     Open Space Committee a). Draft report due soon.  

11.     Wetland and other Permits needing attention:  
i.      Mailloux Violation - has not received permit
ii.     Zimmerman Excavation Expansion-Pending.????
iii.    Knapton Subdivision -pending. Discussed subdivision with Peter Mellin. Requested maximum increase in buffer zones and evaluation of additional square footage over and above standard buffer.  Requested this prior to next hearing.
12.     Bruce Edes Forest still pending.

13.      Area Hikes, Lectures & Other Activities:

"       Sept 24, 9 am - 3 pm     Shrublands, Cardigan Mountain Bobcat 4-H Clubhouse, Canaan, NH
The program presenters will introduce you to the history of shrublands in NH and to identification of shrubland plants and wildlife species that depend on thicket habitats. Learn why these habitats are declining and tips on what you can do to manage for these habitats and their associated wildlife species. Bring a lunch and a drink. Dress to be outdoors all day. No registration-just be at the site at 9am.

Next Meeting: Tues. October 18, 2005 at 7 PM at Town Hall.